The Brigade Business Breakthrough Blog

Hire Someone Who is Better than You

June, 7 2020

“As the leader, you should be the smartest person at the company, and your job is to tell others what to do.” Did you ...

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Confidentiality and Remote Work

May, 31 2020

Just a few short months ago (Although it seems like an eternity!) companies had remote working policies with strict ...

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Sole Proprietorship vs. LLC – Which one is right for you?

May, 24 2020

Since the pandemic has changed many of our work lives, I’ve talked with a number of people who are starting new ...

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It’s Not All Relative – Compensating Family Members

May, 17 2020

If you have a family member working at your business, you probably know you need to avoid nepotism. You wouldn’t hire a ...

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Tend to Procrastinate? “Eat the Frog” Instead! My top tips for tackling the temptation.

May, 10 2020

It’s human nature to put off complicated or difficult tasks. It’s also tough to get and stay focused when there’s a lot ...

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Essential Checks & Balances for Small Businesses Ways You Can Prevent Fraud

May, 3 2020

Unfortunately, no company is immune from fraud. When it happens at a small business, where a few employees shoulder ...

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Where the Heck is My Stimulus Check? If you haven’t gotten it yet, this may be why.

April, 26 2020

As the COVID-19 emergency created a massive economic crisis, the federal government passed the CARES Act. Key features ...

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Is Automation Coming to Your Industry?

April, 19 2020

In my past blogs, I’ve talked about why I strongly believe that bookkeeping will become a dinosaur unless we adapt to ...

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Coronavirus Relief is Here & So Are the Scams

April, 18 2020

On March 31, President Trump signed a $2 trillion economic relief plan offering assistance to millions of American ...

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